Change tools at a touch
Easily move and position the toolbar anywhere on the infinity canvas. Instantly select tools or choose different pen settings for smooth and flowing lessons.
Designed for hybrid working - Whiteboard provides smart collaboration and connectivity for any classroom.
Creative sharing is easy with a ready-to-use whiteboard featuring built-in annotation tools to facilitate collaboration and an infinity canvas for limitless creativity. The feature-packed Whiteboard brings tools such as rulers, 3D shapes, and even robust import options right at your fingertips.
Whiteboard is optimised for Google Classroom integration, bringing you instantly closer to your class materials that allows your infinite canvas to grow with you.
Connect easily
Sync with your cloud accounts for flexible lesson planning from anywhere, at any time. With Whiteboard’s cloud-based functionality, you can access your educational resources from any Optoma Creative Touch 3-Series IFPD in your school.
Cloud whiteboard
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Discover the power of Whiteboard’s built-in templates and stickers – designed to inspire and captivate students’ imaginations in mere seconds. With our education-focused templates, teachers can effortlessly transform their lessons from Phonics to Geography, sparking curiosity and fostering a love for learning.
Elevate your workflow with Whiteboard’s personalised embedded browser functionality – a game-changer for educators everywhere. Supplement your teaching content by effortlessly accessing your favourite online resources through quick-access bookmarks within the Whiteboard canvas.
Accessing your own customised Whiteboard has never been easier. Whiteboard now supports secure QR code sign-in. By simply scanning the QR code users can sign-in using their mobile device.
Use the tools you are already familiar with
Teachers can easily create and import lesson materials anywhere. Your Optoma display integrates seamlessly with Google Classroom bringing the benefits of paperless sharing and digital collaboration to the classroom. Teachers can now work on their lesson plans from home, and instantly bring them to any classroom.
Only available on Optoma’s 5-Series interactive flat panels
Start any lesson in seconds.
Simply take the pen from the holder and the Whiteboard app or annotation mode will launch automatically. For the ultimate convenience, teachers can customise the functionality of the pen and tailor it to their daily needs.
*Only available on Optoma’s 5-Series.
Make annotations at any time on any type of content whether video or static. The quick launch pen features a dual-tip, enabling teachers to switch between note taking and highlighting in just about any colour - ensuring lessons flow with ease.
View our customer stories
Digital transformation in classrooms with Optoma's Creative Touch 5-Series interactive displays.
Find out moreOptoma interactive displays reated the modern transformation in the historical building from the 960s.
Find out moreLearn about features, benefits, and set-up guides to help you to get the most out of your Optoma interactive display.
View all tutorialsExperience all these benefits and more only on Optoma’s Creative Touch 5-Series and 3-Series interactive flat panel displays